Medicinal Mushrooms - Nature's Great Healer

We've all been exposed to or cooked using some of the most common culinary mushrooms like portabella white button, etc.

However, there is a class of mushroom known as medicinal mushrooms. the medicinal healing mushrooms aren't designed to enhance flavor, although they can be used in recipes. They are typically consumed in tea form, tinctures and extracts, as well as in capsules in the form of powders.

These medicinal mushrooms include the reishi and agaricus mushrooms (or agaricus blazei mushroom) as well as maitake, shitake, as well as coriolus mushroom. There are many others however, these are some of the most sought-after.

Medicinal mushrooms such as these have a lot in common with humans in terms of genetic and chemical structure. Many scientists say that mushrooms are closer to human beings genetically than nearly every other plant.

In this regard there are certain "higher level" mushrooms, commonly referred to as "medicinal mushrooms" (NOT magic mushrooms! ) They can be extremely healing and alter the mind, body, emotions, and spirit of we humans who consume them.

Reishi mushroom is one of the most popular healing mushrooms from China (though it can be found in other regions of the globe as well). Reishi mushroom is often described as "the mushroom of immortality" since it can be taken daily as an tonic "herb" and it useful in extending the lifespan.

Reishi mushroom is commonly utilized (in The East) for its immune-system stimulant by those who suffer from HIV as well as cancer. Reishi is also purported to reduce inflammation, help with fatigue, help heal Mushrooms chocolate bar viral issues in the body, and to help calm and relax the spirit, helping people meditate and connect with Spirit much more easily.

Maitake mushroom is one of the most potent medicinal mushrooms found in the world. Maitake is used culinarily as well as medicinally, and is a very powerful source of beta-glucan polysaccharides--potent immune system healing chemicals.

Maitake mushrooms are used for cancer prevention, as well as helping control high cholesterol and diabetes. Maitake enhances the activity of the natural killer cells within the body, thereby helping to rid the body of immune system problems.

There are many more popular kinds of medicinal mushrooms and I've written more full descriptions of them in my blog, which is linked below.

One final point in the event that you're considering a research into the healing potential that medicinal mushrooms provide: if you supplement them with an Vitamin C source (preferably one that is a natural source of Vitamin C supplier) it is possible to triple the efficacy of both medicinal mushrooms, and triple the effectiveness of the Vitamin C! Powerful information for having the best health you've ever had!

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